Joint Oireachtas Committee Meeting on Ireland’s Offshore Wind Industry

13th July 2022

On the 15th of June, the Joint Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment held a meeting to discuss the Offshore Renewable Industry Forum and Ireland’s Offshore Wind industry. Noel Cunniffe, Justin Moran, Vanessa O’ Connell and Green Rebel’s CEO Kieran Ivers were representing the industry at this meeting. The invitation follows the publication of Wind Energy Ireland’s report, “Working Together – Building Ireland’s Offshore Wind Industry” in April.

The team identified and articulated three key action requests that they felt were necessary in order to harness our offshore potential and see Ireland achieve energy independence.

(1)     That the offshore delivery taskforce collaborates with industry and agrees on an action plan for how we develop our domestic offshore supply chain.

(2)     Significant and strategic investment to be made into port infrastructure around the country.

(3)     The establishment of the high-level implementation group that was set out in the Skills for Zero Carbon report to ensure that there is a coordinated response across government for how we develop the people, the training and the skill sets required to be able to deliver on this opportunity.

Kieran’s inspirational note of “Ireland can” is exemplified through Green Rebel’s growth as a company that went from an idea, to 75 employees and counting within 2 years.

We will continue to invest in Ireland, use Ireland as our proof of concept […] show Ireland can compete and be world leaders in this industry.

Tues, 15 June, 2022

This Article first appeared on Linkedin


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